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"Invidious choice" under new harassment laws: Expert

Workers s-xually harassed before the Secure Jobs, Better Pay changes came into effect in March will have to choose whether to omit complaints for conduct that occurred before that time to use the new provisions, or "make a potentially less advantageous application" using the old provisions, according to an employment law expert.

Compensation cap rises to $83,750 on Saturday

The income and compensation caps for unfair dismissal claims are set to increase on Saturday, along with filing fees for a range of other applications.

ILO working age, harassment conventions ratified

The Albanese Government has ratified ILO conventions setting a minimum working age and seeking to prevent workplace harassment and violence, with Skills and Training Minister Brendan O'Connor telling this year's international labour conference that tripartism "has never been so important".

Reforms would "green-light" misconduct: Submission

The Minerals Council is warning the Albanese Government against introducing vicarious liability provisions in new Fair Work Act discrimination protections, while also urging it not to replace the Barclay burden of proof test for adverse action cases, saying it risks giving a "green light" to misconduct for those claiming to be engaging in industrial activity.

"Disturbing lack of candour" in pilot's anti-vax case: Judge

A Federal Court judge has noted a pilot's "disturbing lack of candour" in whittling back the challenge of eight former Virgin and Jetstar employees to their dismissals for failing to comply with COVID-19 vaccination policies.

Ex-PM unveils statue of equal pay activist Zelda D'Aprano

Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard has unveiled a statue commemorating the landmark 1969 equal pay protest by trade union activist and feminist Zelda D'Aprano, who chained herself to the door of the Commonwealth building in Melbourne.