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Workplace can include pub across the road: Federal Court

A full court of the Federal Court has upheld a finding that a pub two work colleagues visited to deal with s-xual advances one made to the other in their office across the road was a "workplace" under federal discrimination legislation.

Dismissal by "mutual agreement" still a dismissal: Court

A court has found that a worker who was asked to look for alternative employment due to his heart condition was dismissed, rejecting his employer's argument that his job ended by "mutual agreement".

Oracle case sets new standard for sexual harassment compensation

In a watershed anti-discrimination ruling, a full Federal Court has found community standards now demand higher compensation for non-economic loss in s--ual harassment cases, and has increased a former Oracle manager's overall damages award from less than $20,000 to $130,000.

S--ually-harassing lawyer barred for eight months

A tribunal has temporarily banned from legal practice a solicitor who engaged in "intolerable, disgraceful and dishonourable" conduct when he s--ually harassed a legal trainee on eleven occasions in 2011.

FWC tells MUA to ditch "Aussie jobs" clause

The Fair Work Commission has ordered the MUA not to push for "Australians first" job clauses that might breach anti-discrimination laws during the hotly-contested enterprise bargaining round in the offshore oil and gas services sector.

S--ual undertones not a breach of harassment policy

A TNT Express driver who clumsily tried to extricate himself from a conversation that had s--ual undertones with a younger female retail store employee did not breach the company's harassment and discrimination policy, the Fair Work Commission has found.

Lawyer loses adverse action, bullying case

A court has found that a law firm acted quickly to investigate claims of harassment by one of its solicitors and was entitled to treat emails from her stating that the employment relationship had broken down as a resignation.