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FWC rules Target HR capability means no need for legal help; & more

Target has enough HR staff to not need legal representation; Data upload difficulties lead to time extension; Mental health provider given go-ahead to employ ATSI people only; Biggest ever electronic ballot gets go-ahead for DHS; and Former retail group head facing fraud charges.

Company's tolerance of bullying conduct meant dismissals unfair: FWC

Global smelting company Nyrstar had a valid reason to sack two workers for a history of bullying behaviour, but its failure to deal with the conduct over a long period and to put specific allegations to them meant the dismissals were unfair, the FWC has ruled.

Court throws out DEEWR employee's race bias claim

A court has rejected a discrimination complaint from an indigenous graduate employee of the former DEEWR, after accepting that the department's prompt, reasonable and informal response to a racially offensive remark should have ensured the employee wasn't injured in the enjoyment of her work.

HR manager loses adverse action case

A part-time HR manager's bullying claim against her chief executive backfired when her employer discovered while investigating her complaint that she had been using its resources to do work for other organisations.

Bullying solution: choose your line managers well

A senior member of the Fair Work Commission has told employers they need strong workplace conduct policies and grievance procedures and should select line managers with good interpersonal skills, to help them prevent bullying claims.

Union activity not the reason for failed promotions: tribunal

A long-time power station employee who claimed to have been "oddly unsuccessful" in six promotion applications has failed to convince a tribunal that he was discriminated against because of his union or industrial activity.

Law firm predicts industrial action, productivity, next on agenda

A new report from a major employment law firm predicts that the Senate will pass the Abbott Government's Fair Work Act and building industry amendments, suggests the next reforms will be limits on industrial action and productivity requirements for enterprise agreements, and highlights the lower than expected activity in the FWC's anti-bullying jurisdiction.