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DP World wins bid to keep bullying investigation confidential

A stevedoring giant that guaranteed confidentiality to employees participating in a workplace conduct investigation has won an FWC order restricting publication of their names and complaint details, as it continues to defend a groundbreaking bullying case.

Employer took adverse action with take-it-or-leave-it demand

The Federal Circuit Court has found a newspaper publisher took adverse action when it forced a full-time journalist to sign a take-it-or-leave it statement reducing him to two days a week - with unspecified entitlements to be paid in instalments - and sacked him when he complained.

$10,000 in damages for morning sickness discrimination

A Telstra sales consultant who has been awarded $10,000 in damages for being discriminated against while pregnant will be challenging the merits of the original ruling in the Victorian Supreme Court.

$900,000 indemnity costs order against academic

A former university academic who unsuccessfully claimed she had been sexually harassed by two colleagues has been ordered to pay a $900,000 indemnity costs bill after the Federal Court found she rejected a "generous" settlement offer despite legal advice that she was unlikely to succeed.

Dissenting judge issues warning on adverse action

Workers need to be protected from employers that argue they took action against an employee because of the impact of the person exercising a workplace right rather than the actual exercise of the right, a judge has ruled in a dissenting judgment.

"Bullying" was reasonable management action, says FWC

The Fair Work Commission has rejected a long-serving employee's bullying claim, after accepting that her employer took reasonable management action when it performance-managed her after she resisted changes to workplace practices.

Perception failing to match reality on employment discrimination

Many IR practitioners, including tribunal members and judicial officers, seem to believe that "discrimination is not really a matter for workplace relations law" despite the fact that 80% of discrimination claims arise on the job, new research is showing.