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HR bosses engage lawyers in academic bullying case

A university and its HR department embroiled in accusations of bullying between law school academics have been granted the right to engage lawyers to defend the claims.

Employers need more hammers in their disciplinary toolbox: FWC

The FWC has called on employers to introduce a greater range of disciplinary options like fines and unpaid suspensions into agreements to avoid "inappropriately lenient or inappropriately harsh" responses to misconduct that are problematic for all parties concerned.

Change in employment status ends bullying case

The FWC has dismissed an anti-bullying claim brought by the chair of an Aboriginal land council because his recent failure to win re-election meant he was no longer a worker.

Harden up: Bench splits over phased return to work

An FWC full bench majority has thrown out a a company's challenge to a decision requiring it to reinstate an injured worker to his previous role and ensure he receives "work hardening".

Discrimination case turns on voiced concerns, not "state of mind": Bench

As the Crown continues its pursuit of a Victorian employer charged with discriminating against employees who raised safety issues, Victoria's Court of Appeal has found that, as a question of law, it must prove only that the concerns were expressed rather than address the workers' "state of mind" at the time.

$1000 hit for refusing service to union member

A tribunal has awarded an actor and MEAA member $1,000 compensation for discrimination by a cinema that refused to sell her a movie ticket because she belonged to the union.

Court rebuffs casual moved from A team to B team

A court has rejected a casual's claim that his employer took adverse action when it stopped offering him shifts after he refused a six-week contract to allegedly meet his family and caring responsibilities, finding he knocked the work back to go on a pre-booked holiday to Fiji.