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Big rise in workplace harassment: NTEU survey

The NTEU is calling for urgent change, after its latest survey found that "s-xual harassment, s-xism, and gender-based bias in tertiary education workplaces continues to be largely ignored and as a result remains firmly entrenched in our universities".

Training for PC leaders, HR after workplace conduct audit

The Productivity Commission's leadership and human resources teams will undergo training in trauma-informed, victim-centred responses, as part of a suite of "significant" changes for the advisory body, after staff told an independent review that HR is a "black box" offering limited insight into actions to address complaints of inappropriate workplace behaviours.

Employer "planned" gay chef's harassment sacking: FWC

An "openly gay" head chef sacked for allegedly molesting female co-workers has won $16,000 compensation, after the FWC found it "more than coincidental" that his employer decided that s-xual harassment provided a valid reason for summary dismissal before it emailed employees a survey full of loaded questions.

Failure to provide private breastfeeding space discriminatory: Tribunal

In what is believed to be the first workplace breastfeeding discrimination ruling, a tribunal has found that a KFC franchisee indirectly discriminated against a worker when it told her to express milk in a tent, within a storeroom with no door.

Worker wins more time to contest "harassment" sacking

The FWC will consider the late unfair dismissal claim of a worker who believes his employer sacked him for alleged sexual harassment, after receiving evidence that five law firms rejected his case on one day alone.

Red union president facing sack after appeal fails

The president of a nursing "red union" faces the sack from her hospital job after failing to persuade an appeal court that unauthorised media comments fell under protected industrial activity.

"Deeply flawed" process after harassment claim: FWC

The FWC has ordered the reinstatement of a dump truck driver dismissed after a "deeply flawed" investigation into allegations he exposed a female trainee to explicit images while passing around his phone.

S-xual harassment lawyers sought for NDA survey

Lawyers from the Redfern Legal Centre and Human Rights Law Centre are looking for s-xual harassment lawyers and industrial officers to complete surveys on the use of non-disclosure agreements in settling s-xual harassment claims, as part of a Sydney University program.

Legislation sets up parliamentary HR function

Federal Parliament has passed a trio of bills that establish the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service as an independent statutory HR agency and overhaul employment arrangements for parliamentary staff.