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FWC tick for union affirmative action push

Unions are continuing to embrace affirmative action measures to increase women's participation and ensure leadership reflects membership, the FWC this week approving ASU rule changes requiring a woman to hold at least one of three new leadership positions.

FWC to hear Toll worker's anti-bullying case

Toll Transport has failed in an attempt to have an anti-bullying application thrown out by the FWC, which disagreed with the company's assessment that it was destined to fail.

Anti-social media driving workplace harassment: AHRI chair

Social media "moves the dial" on harassing workplace behaviour and will contribute to more litigation flowing through to the courts, according to Australian Human Resources Institute chair Peter Wilson.

Heat turned up on "overwhelmingly ineffective" equal pay process

The ACTU will today promote a blueprint for "deep structural reform" to improve the lot of working women, which includes axing the use of a "male comparator" that has delayed an equal pay case for early childhood teachers since 2013.

Worker blew last chance "spectacularly"; Alcoa strike; & more

Worker blew last chance "in spectacular fashion"; Alcoa mine and refinery workers down tools; Foreign pilots visa designed to drive down salaries: Union; Emergency services commissioner resigns over bullying.

Put harassment regulation on same footing as OHS laws: Expert

A leading workplace academic has called on legislators to consider a UK parliamentary inquiry's recommendation to impose a legal obligation to protect workers from sexual harassment, with breaches resulting in "substantial financial penalties".

Low wages causing early-childhood teacher shortage: Union

On the second of 16 days of FWC hearings into an IEU equal pay claim for early childhood teachers, the union is blaming low wages for a skill shortage in the overwhelmingly female-dominated sector, while the ACTU says the case will test whether the Fair Work Act's equal pay principle can deliver.

Conspiracy theorist subjected to "assumed disability" bias

In a rare "assumed disability" discrimination case that has exposed legislative shortcomings, a tribunal has awarded $20,000 to a public servant forced to take sick leave over concerns about her enthusiasm for conspiracy theories.