Discrimination and equity page 53 of 89

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Company reforms ways after criminal record discrimination

A company that withdrew an offer of employment when it discovered the potential employee's criminal record has paid her $2500 compensation and revised its global recruitment and HR practices, after the AHRC found it discriminated against her.

"Younger cohort" treated favourably, claims HR/IR consultant

A veteran IR and HR consultant is suing the Victorian Hospitals Industrial Association for age discrimination, alleging it caused him to suffer a major depressive disorder and then discriminated against him because of his mental disability.

HR manager's "overreach" undermines sacking

An HR manager's "unnecessary allegations" and "overreach" have contributed to a finding that although a drug and alcohol tester's failure to declare he was taking Nurofen Plus provided a valid reason for dismissal, his sacking was unfair.

Obese worker cleared to contest dismissal after work falls

A morbidly obese office worker sacked after her third fall at work will have another chance to challenge it, the Federal Circuit Court finding earlier discontinued applications in the FWC and the Human Rights Commission to be no barrier.

HR manager discriminated against depressed executive: Court

A multinational company has been ordered to pay $160,000 to a former executive sacked over concerns about his capacity to return to work, despite its HR manager's insistence it was "insulting" to suggest the employee's depression played any part in the decision.

Targets crushed me, claims Macquarie Bank advisor

A Macquarie Bank wealth advisor is accusing the company of making him redundant because of a deteriorating health condition it allegedly exacerbated by pressuring him to meet ever-increasing revenue targets.

S-xual harassment survey confirms need for FWC powers: ACTU

The ACTU will use the results of a large online survey showing more than 60% of female respondents have experienced workplace sexual harassment to push its case for the FWC to be given the power to resolve related disputes.

Gender pay gap closing, no thanks to some: WGEA

The gender pay gap has dropped from 24.7% to 21.3% over the past five years but many companies are still harbouring an "action gap", with policies in place but no accountability for implementing them, says the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.