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Hurt and humiliation payout after "most unkind" accusation

An employee criticised as being ungrateful about securing a restaurant job despite her disability has won $12,500 in compensation for the hurt and humiliation she experienced during her dismissal after 12 weeks.

Six-year delay might render verdict "unsafe"

The Federal Court has found a sexually harassed worker has a reasonable chance of successfully challenging orders clearing a Boral subsidiary of vicarious liability, on the basis that the judgment is "unsafe" due to a six-year delay.

Manager cleared of bullying, but could have shown more foresight

The FWC has thrown out a bullying claim from an employment consultant who felt aggrieved by his manager's approach to a colleague's "dad jokes" and accused his manager of sexually harassing him by touching his shoulder during a discussion about political correctness.

Court orders aggravated damages for s-xual harassment

A law firm's principal solicitor must pay $170,000 in damages after subjecting a paralegal to months of s-xual harassment that included a "bombardment" of inappropriate emails, coerced hugs and veiled threats that her employment depended on them starting a relationship.

UK inquiry seeks to restrict use of non-disclosure agreements

In a finding that might influence Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' inquiry into sexual harassment, a UK parliamentary inquiry has recommended legislating to outlaw non-disclosure agreements that restrict "legitimate discussion" of unlawful discrimination and harassment.

Sacked for political views, claims One Nation candidate

A One Nation candidate is suing over alleged adverse action based on her political views after she was sacked by a renewable energy company over campaign material said to conflict with its interests and for taking unauthorised days off in the lead-up to the Federal election.

Spotless slugged $60,000 for paying unwitting union members' fees

ASX-listed Spotless Group Limited has been ordered to pay 14 former employees a total of $60,000 for breaching their privacy rights when disclosing their names to a union and paying their membership fees without authorisation.

Lawyer's discrimination claim undermined by "inflammatory tone"

A lawyer accused of bullying has failed to convince the Federal Court that it should stop a law firm from potentially expelling her as a partner because it treated her less favourably than male colleagues, the court holding that conduct that included an "inflammatory" letter following the complaints set her circumstances apart.