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MS/Parkinson's sufferer claims discriminatory sacking

Professionals Australia has filed a $380,000 discrimination and adverse action claim against one of the nation's largest defence contractors, alleging it unlawfully sacked a manager after nearly 20 years' service because he suffers from multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

Explanation for racially-motivated sacking "fabricated": FWC

The FWC has rejected the "post fabricated" inventions of a supermarket owner found to have sacked a casual shop assistant because he preferred workers from Asian-speaking backgrounds, ordering full compensation despite claims it would destroy his business.

Meatworker seeks $125K after alleged job trim

A meatworker is suing his employer for more than $125,000 as part of an adverse action claim that it took him off knife-work and reduced his position because he sought to recoup years of alleged underpayments.

Suggestive poster discriminated against female worker: Tribunal

A tribunal has held that Sydney Water sexually harassed and discriminated against an employee when her photo was displayed on a workplace health and safety poster, for which she unwittingly posed, beneath the slogan "Feel great - lubricate!".

Complainant rails against bid to stop "excessive communications"

A doctor has failed to establish in an interlocutory claim that a federal agency was motivated by "ill intent" in dealing with her critical social media posts or complaints about its handling of her mental health condition.

Builder penalised for spurning non-union contractor

A construction company's refusal to to engage a non-union subcontractor at the CFMMEU's behest has now cost it $275,000 in penalties and compensation, with the Federal Circuit Court noting such conduct "has the potential to perpetuate a culture of submission".

Rugby Australia warns of implications of a Folau win

Refuting claims that it terminated rugby union player Israel Folau's contract because of his religious beliefs, Rugby Australia has warned of broad ramifications if he establishes that there is a common law principle prohibiting contracts that restrict people from sharing their religious views.

Male safety manager says Bluescope gender-biased

Bluescope Steel's former OHS manager is suing the company over its decision to appoint a female health and safety vice president, alleging it took discriminatory adverse action by refusing him the position because of his gender.

Health risk cited as FWC issues "no yelling" anti-bullying orders

The FWC has taken a cautious approach in issuing an interim anti-bullying order restraining the co-owner and an employee of a retail business from belittling each other, suppressing identities amid "genuine health concerns" for both parties.