Discrimination and equity page 46 of 89

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Costs against worker who claimed s-xual harassment

The Federal Court has ordered costs against a CSIRO scientist who falsely accused colleagues of s-xual harassment and discrimination, while also fining the agency for a complaint-handling failure it sought to "trivialise".

Discriminatory employment to jeopardise standard of care: ANMF

The nurses union says a plan to let faith-based hospital and aged care providers make discriminatory employment decisions based on religion could affect quality of care, while a teachers' union warns of "unanticipated consequences".

Winery sacking far from vintage: FWC

A wine producer has been ordered to pay a 72-year-old former sales manager more than $15,000 in compensation after an FWC finding that an external "dispute resolution" consultant contributed to a flawed dismissal process.

Go external for harassment investigations: Tribunal

In a decision pointing out the multiple failures of an upmarket Adelaide supermarket to properly handle a juice bar worker's complaint that "the chef just touched my arse", a tribunal has ordered the company and her former colleague to jointly pay her $30,000 in damages.

Big jump in domestic violence assistance: WGEA

The gap between male and female full-time earnings has narrowed slightly over the past year, but there has been a substantial rise in adoption of domestic violence policies and leave by employers, according to the WGEA.

"Team bash 'em" prompts hospital guard's $2.7m claim

A hospital security guard is suing the State of Queensland for $2.7 million, claiming it discriminated against him on the basis of a psychiatric disorder he suffered after witnessing colleagues' violence against mental health patients.

Full court weighs options after six-year hiatus

A full Federal Court is today probing whether a judge's six-year year delay in issuing a decision on a sexual harassment case led him to overlook the credit of witnesses and skimp on analysis as he "succumbed to the psychological attraction of a simple conclusion".

AWU's Walton responds to ex-official's harassment claim

The AWU has hit back at a Federal Circuit Court claim in which its former WA branch vice president is accusing the union of sacking her because she complained about alleged sexual harassment.

"People like you can't get pregnant" remark justified sacking

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of an Energy Australia employee who told one colleague she could not get pregnant due to her sexuality and suggested to another that he was related to Deepak Chopra because of his Indian descent.

Workplace s-xual harassment still living in the shadows: Surveys

Retailers and aviation industry employers are being urged to improve efforts to stamp out workplace s-xual harassment and better handle complaints amid AHRC and Qantas surveys confirming that the vast majority of incidents continue to go unreported.