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Member of rebel union seeks to restrain employer

Queensland's IRC is today considering a bid to restrain Queensland Health from dismissing a senior nurse who says she spoke to the media about alleged training flaws in her role as a union delegate, in a case testing the state's new human rights laws and the rights of non-registered unions.

Court fines AWU for adverse action against members

The Federal Court has today ordered the AWU to pay an $18,000 penalty for pressing charges under its rules against two members who refused to support industrial action against Orica.

Vegan beliefs protected under UK workplace equality laws

In the wake of the UK's employment tribunal ruling that "ethical veganism" is a protected philosophical belief in the workplace, a Seyfarth Shaw partner says that there might be scope under state and federal discrimination laws to advance a similar claim in Australia.

"Big threatening scary man" comment not s-x bias: FWC

The FWC has rejected allegations that a female supervisor's description of a worker as a "big threatening scary man" amounted to s-xual discrimination, finding no evidence that he was treated less favourably because he was a male.

"Contemptuous" company should have involved HR: FWC

The FWC has found that it "reflects poorly indeed" on a printing company if it did not investigate sexual harassment complaints an unfairly dismissed female employee made to HR, while it has also referred the employer's "contemptuous" failure to comply with an order to attend the Commission to the tribunal's general manager for further action.

Sacked airline employee not persecuted over s-xuality: FWC

The FWC on re-hearing a Chinese airline employee's unfair dismissal case has rejected claims that his supervisor persecuted him because of his homos-xuality, instead finding his blatant dishonesty to be a further valid reason for his sacking.

Folau settles workplace religious discrimination case

Representative rugby player Israel Folau will not be proceeding with his unlawful dismissal claim against Rugby Australia and the NSW Waratahs under the Fair Work Act, after the parties settled the matter today.

Police commander targeted homos-xual officers: Tribunal

A tribunal has held that a commander discriminated against officers he described as a "close knit friendship group of homos-xual like-minded" police in a complaint of possible drug use, while clearing the NSW Police Force of any discrimination in its handling of the allegations.