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Proposal for five days paid "reproductive health" leave

An HSU branch in Victoria is pursuing an Australian-first claim for five days' annual paid reproductive health and wellbeing leave - to cover IVF treatment, endometriosis, vasectomies and serious menstrual pain - that the ACTU says would foster "more equal and accommodating workplaces".

Victoria starts consultations on gig economy proposals

Victoria's Andrews Labor Government has opened public consultations into the recommendations of the landmark inquiry into the gig economy workforce, while it has also appointed its first public sector gender equality commissioner.

Manager booted after complaints: Tribunal

The failure of a council's retired acting chief executive to give evidence about his reasons for sacking a pool duty manager who kept refusing to follow instructions has led to a finding it dismissed him because of his safety complaints.

Tribunal rejects employer's bid for "forced examination" of worker

A worker seeking damages for psychological injuries allegedly suffered as the result of sexual assaults does not have to be examined by a doctor nominated by her employer or provide evidence of her visa status, a tribunal has ruled.

Corporates tending to disclose poor conduct: Jenkins

Major corporates are slowly shifting from keeping cases of harassment and inappropriate conduct confidential to an understanding that disclosure helps protect their brands, according to Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins.

Worker's post-dismissal mental state warrants extension: FWC

The FWC has granted a 55-day extension for a legally blind worker to challenge his sacking over a Facebook exchange after considering its effect on his mental state and his steps to obtain the assistance of disability and law advocates.

Qantas sued by "bullied" manager who lost first class travel perk

A Qantas relationship manager who claims superiors bullied her by removing first class travel perks and subjecting her to consecutive investigations is suing the airline for taking alleged discriminatory adverse action after she was diagnosed with depression.

Political bias claim sustains shaky unlawful sacking case

The FWC has over a university's jurisdictional objections allowed a professional officer's largely "incompetent" unlawful dismissal claim to proceed, inviting him to re-submit an application confined to alleged discrimination on the basis of political opinion.

AMP's harassment saga claims chair as accused demoted

Financial services giant AMP Limited's handling of a s-xual harassment complaint has today brought about the resignation of its chair David Murray, while the senior executive at the centre of the allegations has been demoted.