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Nursing union seeking agreed position on aged care wages

The FWC will hold a directions hearing on Friday into an ANMF bid to add the nursing award to an aged care work value case and win more time to negotiate an agreed position with the Morrison Government and employers, as urged by the Aged Care Royal Commission.

FWC directs Woolies to shift bullied worker to fresh role

Woolworths has a week to respond to draft orders requiring it to relocate a bullied night filler to its online team, after the FWC factored in her own disrespectful behaviour in finding some risk she will be bullied in the future.

Former CEO urges court to fine HR head

The former acting chief executive of a Northern Territory regional council who accused a manager of upwards bullying and allegedly covertly recorded meetings has hit back at the ASU's adverse action claim, suggesting penalties should instead be levelled against the HR boss.

University retaliated after bullying complaints: Professor

A Canadian academic who claims she was ambushed and threatened with losing her position after making bullying complaints is accusing Curtin University of retaliating by undertaking an unnecessary restructure and a sham redundancy.

Porter's duties sifted for defamation conflicts

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is seeking advice on whether to delegate some of the responsibilities of IR Minister and Attorney-General Christian Porter while he is suing the ABC for defamation in the Federal Court, according to political sources.

FWC bench within rights to halt reinstatement: Full court

A 64-year-old BlueScope worker sacked for mishandling a 13-tonne coil has failed to win his job back, after a full Federal Court majority found a FWC bench did not go beyond its powers to halt his reinstatement.

Former staffer indicates Reynolds paid damages

The Defence Minister's former staffer who alleged a colleague raped her in the workplace appears to have won a damages payout to settle her claim over Minister Reynolds' recent "lying cow" comment.

High Court timetables Personnel Contracting, Ridd cases

The High Court is likely to hear the Personnel Contracting/ZG Operations and Ridd cases in the second half of the year, after setting timetables for submissions to be completed by early June.

Cash capable of shepherding IR Bill: Morrison

The Morrison Government has indicated it will push ahead with the Omnibus Bill in the Senate next week despite the expected absence of its architect, IR Minister and Attorney-General Christian Porter.

Jenkins differs from AFP on duty to report; & more

Jenkins differs from AFP on duty to report assaults; Victoria to consult on new harassment reporting duty; Grattan calls for inquiry into care industry pay; and Blowout in gender pay gap over 15 years, says ACTU.