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Expand scope of FWC anti-harassment orders: Jenkins

A praiseworthy male student teacher who receives "highly critical" feedback from his female high school teacher supervisor after politely declining her invitation for drinks would be able to seek an order against sex-based harassment from the FWC, under a proposal by Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins.

Rio follows BHP with mining booze cap

Rio Tinto has joined BHP Billiton in limiting alcohol consumption at its remote mining camps in Western Australia's Pilbara region to four standard drinks a day.

"Gender-critical" beliefs protected: UK employment tribunal

A UK employment tribunal will consider whether an international think tank discriminated against a visiting fellow because of her "gender critical" views, including that trans women are male, after an appeal bench found she held protected beliefs.

FWC seeks delay for anti-harassment orders

The FWC has asked the Morrison Government to delay its proposed new capacity to make anti-sexual-harassment orders to give it time to prepare for a flood of applications, in an echo of a call it made eight years ago before the introduction of the anti-bullying regime.

Judge resigns after sexual harassment finding

A Federal Circuit Court judge has resigned after an investigation substantiated allegations that he engaged in "sexualised" conduct towards two women - a court employee and a law student - while the court has revamped its judicial complaints system and engaged an eminent Harvard academic to train judicial officers and staff.

Bluescope wins discrimination exemption to drive gender equality

Steel giant Bluescope has won a three-year exemption to prioritise the recruitment of women at its Mornington Peninsula manufacturing facility, to address a persistent gender imbalance and an unequal distribution of "power, resources and opportunity" in its community.

Sacking cancer-stricken worker adverse action: Court

A diamond retailer held to have sacked a sales manager diagnosed with breast cancer because she planned to take leave to recover from surgery is facing penalties and a compensation bill in the Federal Circuit Court.

Bill empowers FWC to make anti-harassment orders

The Fair Work Commission will be able to make a "stop sexual harassment order" after a single incident under legislation introduced today to implement some of the recommendations from Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' Respect@Work report.

Government introduces Respect@Work legislative changes

The Morrison Government has today introduced legislation into the Senate that amends the Fair Work Act and Sex Discrimination Act to respond to Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' landmark Respect@Work report, which includes two days paid compassionate leave for workers who suffer miscarriages.