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AFP wins representation in anti-bullying case

The AFP has won the right to be represented by an external lawyer in a "complex" anti-bullying case involving at least 18 witnesses to be heard by the FWC in a fortnight.

"Australia's unluckiest job applicant" loses another case

A tribunal member has thrown out a lawyer's discrimination case, accusing him of becoming a "serial pest" after he filed multiple discrimination claims against employers for failing to hire him, including a recent matter in which he claimed "very attractive and beautiful" interviewers humiliated him.

Court rejects defamation appeal over alleged racist comment

The WA Court of Appeal has thrown out a nursing assistant's challenge to a judge's rejection of her $750,000 defamation claim, which she brought against her employer because a registered nurse accused her of saying "I hate working with Africans".

Budget funds Anti-Slavery Commissioner

The Federal Budget has allocated $8 million in funding over four years to create an Anti-Slavery Commissioner to improve transparency in supply chains and almost $60 million to improve the culture of federal parliamentary workplaces.

Swearing at colleague was s-xual harassment: FWC

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a worker for telling a colleague during an argument that "I'll f-ck you in the a-se", finding that the choice of words went "far beyond" simply swearing in the workplace and constituted s-xual harassment.

Pending decision scrapped after worker's death

In a case expanding the circumstances under which the FWC will not publish a finding, the tribunal has rejected union arguments that it should release its decision so as to potentially "clear the name" of a former BHP worker who committed suicide after hearings into his unfair dismissal claim were completed.

Damages payout boosted for previously "vibrant" accountant

A court has upped from $20,000 to $90,000 the general damages payout for a veteran chief accountant subjected to age discrimination and is considering billing his former employer a further $142,000 for economic loss, after hearing he is "no longer the same man" and is unable to work.