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Ex-PM unveils statue of equal pay activist Zelda D'Aprano

Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard has unveiled a statue commemorating the landmark 1969 equal pay protest by trade union activist and feminist Zelda D'Aprano, who chained herself to the door of the Commonwealth building in Melbourne.

AFP wins representation in anti-bullying case

The AFP has won the right to be represented by an external lawyer in a "complex" anti-bullying case involving at least 18 witnesses to be heard by the FWC in a fortnight.

"Australia's unluckiest job applicant" loses another case

A tribunal member has thrown out a lawyer's discrimination case, accusing him of becoming a "serial pest" after he filed multiple discrimination claims against employers for failing to hire him, including a recent matter in which he claimed "very attractive and beautiful" interviewers humiliated him.

Court rejects defamation appeal over alleged racist comment

The WA Court of Appeal has thrown out a nursing assistant's challenge to a judge's rejection of her $750,000 defamation claim, which she brought against her employer because a registered nurse accused her of saying "I hate working with Africans".

Budget funds Anti-Slavery Commissioner

The Federal Budget has allocated $8 million in funding over four years to create an Anti-Slavery Commissioner to improve transparency in supply chains and almost $60 million to improve the culture of federal parliamentary workplaces.

Swearing at colleague was s-xual harassment: FWC

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a worker for telling a colleague during an argument that "I'll f-ck you in the a-se", finding that the choice of words went "far beyond" simply swearing in the workplace and constituted s-xual harassment.

Pending decision scrapped after worker's death

In a case expanding the circumstances under which the FWC will not publish a finding, the tribunal has rejected union arguments that it should release its decision so as to potentially "clear the name" of a former BHP worker who committed suicide after hearings into his unfair dismissal claim were completed.