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Worker misled FWC about job offer

A FWC member has permitted an anti-bullying hearing to go ahead despite her concerns that the worker and her representative misled the tribunal when they denied that the worker had accepted a job offer.

WFH direction for harassment accused breaches deal: FWC

The FWC has acknowledged there is a "high bar" to overturning management decisions but ultimately found that Ambulance Victoria breached its agreement when it directed a paramedic to perform alternative duties from home while it investigated a colleague's s-xual harassment claims against him.

Warning on risks of AI-aided HR and recruitment tools

Artificial intelligence HR and hiring tools pose "significant risks" for workplaces, according to an equality law expert who is calling for an enforceable positive duty on employers, while a recruitment body has told a Senate inquiry there should be an industry standard.

FWC president says wage bench facing funding dilemma

The Federal Government has made a "technical assumption" that there will be a minimum wage increase of 3.5% this year, the FWC's expert panel heard yesterday, while Commission President Adam Hatcher lamented the "Catch-22" situation the Commission faces in weighing whether Canberra will fund any gender-based increases.

Aged care providers "commercially compelled" to accept pay rise delay

Unions are asking the FWC to reject the Albanese Government's proposed phase-in schedule for Stage 3 work value pay rises of up to 13.5% in aged care, but employers say they are "commercially compelled" to support it to protect the sector's viability.

"Get the coffees" request not discriminatory: FWC

The FWC has backed a global company's HR processes after dismissing a senior employee's claim that she had no option but to resign when an investigation rejected her portrayal of a male colleague asking her to "get the coffees" during a client workshop as s-xual harassment.

"Myth" believers have higher propensity to harass: Report

Workers who subscribe to common "s-xual harassment myths" are 16 times more likely than others to use digital communications to s-xually harass their colleagues, according to a new paper that also suggests that employers had been poorly prepared for related issues arising from the pandemic-driven shift to working from home.

"Bullying", "gaslighting" claims defamed me: Professor

The Federal Court has given a media company until next month to change its defence against an article that allegedly carries the defamatory imputation that a university professor created or fostered a toxic workplace culture of bullying and fear.