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Tardy underpayment claim foiled by new deal

A worker's tardy pursuit of claimed underpayments under an old agreement has failed, the FWC agreeing with the employer that it lacked jurisdiction once a new deal was approved.

Commission took proper account of reduced bargaining power: Full court

An FWC member gave due recognition to the reduction of employees' bargaining power that would flow from him acceding to a DP World bid to extend notice for CFMMEU industrial action from three to five days, according to reasons issued by a full Federal Court today.

Reliance on web access sinks 13% deal

In the latest FWC decision contemplating whether "minor" procedural or technical errors stand in the way of approving an agreement, a senior tribunal member has shot down a deal that delivered workers a 13% pay rise but relied on them accessing the underlying award via the internet.

Redetermine means "to determine the matter again": FWC bench

An FWC full bench has confirmed that redeterminations require the tribunal to contemplate matters afresh, quashing a senior member's orders that would have allowed her to consider just three specified issues and limit evidence in revisiting Alcoa's bid to bin its WA deal.

FWC rejects axing of deal workers did not know existed

The FWC has refused to terminate a decade-old agreement after hearing a construction company's workers did not know it existed and observing that there was "no evidence whatsoever" about the individual employment arrangements now in place.

New McDonald's deal faces grilling after large "no" vote

RAFFWU will object to the FWC's approval of a new McDonald's deal voted up by an historically-low 59% majority, as it attempts to clear the way to terminate the burger giant's nominally expired 2013 agreement and claw back more than $250 million in alleged underpayments.

Spotless slugged $60,000 for paying unwitting union members' fees

ASX-listed Spotless Group Limited has been ordered to pay 14 former employees a total of $60,000 for breaching their privacy rights when disclosing their names to a union and paying their membership fees without authorisation.