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Multinational faces fine for unpaid allowance

A multinational's trouble-plagued deal for a major LNG project has again come back to bite it, with the Federal Court finding its arguments about unpaid allowances created "confusion" rather than clarity.

Union decries approval of small cohort mining deal

The FWC has approved a coal mining deal first suspected to be "bordering on a sham" due to calculated steps to employ four "clean skin" and two "friendly" probationary workers to negotiate it in near-record time.

Orchestra opens books to keep faith in pandemic deal

Musicians and administrative employees at one of Australia's largest performing arts companies have been offered regular access to confidential financial reports as part of an agreement to cut wages and hours to the end of next year in response to COVID-19.

Bench cools union attempt to reheat undertakings argument

A full bench has again affirmed the FWC's ability to use undertakings to overcome concerns about how deals are explained ahead of a vote, rejecting a CFMMEU challenge to the redetermination of a controversial power industry deal.

HR manager's "troubling" reliance on selective review

The FWC has rejected a major utility's attempt to introduce a zero blood-alcohol regime for its 2500-strong workforce, calling out management for a "selective" policy review and failing to alert unions that it would treat first breaches as serious misconduct instead of issuing a warning.

CFMMEU warns against rushed changes to deals

The CFMMEU has warned it will push back against construction employers seeking to make rapid changes to enterprise agreements which cut pay and conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Labor seeking COVID-19 notice regulation disallowance

Labor will lobby the Senate crossbench to overturn the Morrison Government's new regulations that cut the notice period that employers are required to give employees of changes to enterprise agreements.

Abbreviated notice regime to have post-virus hangover: Labor

The Morrison Government is wrong in maintaining that its shorter notice periods for agreement variations will only have effect during the coronavirus crisis, because the resulting changes to agreements will continue for the deals' full terms, according to the shadow IR minister.

Notice period for deal changes cut to one day

The Morrison Government has cut the notice period that employers are required to give employees of proposed changes to enterprise agreements from seven days to a minimum one day.