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Court scuppers FWO's unlawful strike case against seafarers

The FWO's pursuit of penalties over a crew's "sit-in" on a decommissioned trading vessel has been potentially scuppered by a Federal Court finding that they were not covered by an agreement at the time.

Timing OK, but consultation lacking over uni job cuts: FWC

In an instructive decision on when employers should communicate major job-cutting proposals to workers, the FWC has endorsed Deakin University's timing but told it to engage at an institution-wide level after finding its 15-area carve-up left "no opportunity" for meaningful consultation.

Sacked climate critic subject to conduct code: Full Court

An academic sacked after criticising climate research is considering a High Court challenge after a full Federal Court quashed a finding that James Cook University's code of conduct is "subordinate" to intellectual freedom protections.

BHP labour hire deals not genuinely agreed: FWC

BHP's attempt to win approval of two enterprise deals to entrench an in-house labour hire company that now employs more than 2000 workers across its mining operations has been dealt a major blow by an FWC full bench majority, which has ruled that its failure to properly explain pay arrangements meant the workforce did not genuinely agree.

Union coerced employer to make enterprise deal: Court

The CFMMEU and one of its officials organised unlawful industrial action by 16 building workers to coerce a construction subcontractor to make an agreement for a stadium construction project, the Federal Court has ruled

Give five days' strike warning during COVID-19: FWC

Hutchison Ports has won an extended five-day notice period for industrial action after failing to do so last year, winning a ruling that the coronavirus pandemic has tipped the balance and created exceptional circumstances.

MUA pursuing docks deals as COVID-19 hits trade

The MUA has vowed to press ahead with bargaining at four stevedores despite employer resistance to its policy stance against automation and outsourcing of work.

Deal eases COVID-19 tensions at Australia Post

Australia Post and the CEPU have signed a one-year agreement extension that aims to protect job security and take-home pay as the utility switches to a new delivery model amid the strains of coping with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Union lawyer's oversight no excuse: Bench

A union legal officer's mea culpa over unread emails has not been enough to salvage a late appeal against an agreement, after an FWC full bench found it did not excuse such a "sophisticated" organisation failing to identify that the contentious deal had won approval.

3% a year pattern deal for Victorian construction sector

The CFMMEU construction and general division's Victorian branch has struck an in-principle agreement with several major builders that provides average annual pay rises of 3% over four years and incorporates new measures to attract more women into the industry.