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Don't "rubber stamp" supported bargaining bids: AiG

The Australian Industry Group has weighed into the early childhood education and care sector supported bargaining test case to tell the FWC it is not its job to "rubber stamp" applications even if all parties desire it and to warn of significant implications for those who might be "selectively excluded" but risk being roped in later.

Extending zombie deals shouldn't dampen negotiations: Bench

A FWC full bench has trimmed a union-sought extension to three zombie deals covering more than 500 IT workers after factoring in the Secure Jobs legislation's inherent "policy preference" for agreements negotiated under the Fair Work Act.

Pay offer "an act of betrayal", warn teachers

Education unions intend to hit the NSW Minns Government with "intense political action" after it proposed to pin three 2.5% annual pay rises on the back of a planned increase of up to 12%, while the author of a "blueprint" report is urging both parties to get "creative".

Childcare employers back supported bargaining bid

A major employer alliance supporting a union bid for supported multi-bargaining in the early childhood education and care sector says the FWC needs to bring the Albanese Government to the table as insufficient funding is hampering their ability to boost pay.

UFU to test Secure Jobs deadlock-breaking power

FWC President Adam Hatcher will convene a directions hearing on Wednesday for what might be the first substantive test of the Secure Jobs' intractable bargaining declaration provisions, after the United Firefighters Union sought to break an impasse with Fire Rescue Victoria over wage rises for thousands of firefighters.

Wages set to grow faster than expected: RBA

The RBA is anticipating stronger wage growth for the rest of the year than it did a few months ago, thanks to the removal of states' wages caps, the FWC's substantial minimum pay ruling and the aged care work value rise.

Court stays silica dust case until FWC ruling

The AWU's pursuit of fines against builders John Holland for allegedly denying an official lawful access to test silica dust levels on Australia's biggest road project has been put on hold, after a judge accepted that the FWC is the best forum to quickly determine entry rights when workers' health is potentially in jeopardy.

Umpire roasts Qube for backtracking on deal

The FWC has panned rail operator Qube for "reneging" on an in-principle enterprise deal with the RTBU, after rejecting the union's bid to terminate industrial action that allegedly presented a threat to community safety and welfare.

RAFFWU secures "historic" ballot for Woolies strike

The FWC has cleared the way for RAFFWU to ballot its Woolworths members on whether to take multiple forms of industrial action and will require the supermarket giant to attend a conciliation conference next Wednesday in what the unregistered union says is a "historic" win.