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Battle over new ANZ agreement heating up

The ANZ bank has warned the FSU over alleged bullying and harassment of employees during this week's vote on a new enterprise agreement.

Quashing of meat deal upheld in bitter abattoir dispute

The Federal Court has upheld the quashing of a controversial meat industry enterprise agreement, despite its view that a FWC full bench might have made mistakes in overturning a single member's decision to approve it.

AiG calls on government to bolster bargaining bill after Esso ruling

The AiG says that the Abbott Government should amend the Fair Work Act to prevent unions from taking industrial action when they are bargaining for "non-permitted" matters, in the wake of a FWC full bench decision on the issue this week.

Caesarean section doesn't convert father to primary carer: FWC

Two BHP Coal employees who helped look after their newborn babies while their partners recovered from caesarean sections were not entitled to parental leave as the primary care givers under the company's enterprise agreement, the FWC has ruled.

FWC bench settles "genuinely seeking agreement" debate

A senior FWC full bench has moved to clarify the confusion caused by conflicting decisions on whether unions that bargain for non-permitted matters are "genuinely trying to reach an agreement" under the Fair Work Act.

Bargaining bill a good start, say employers; ACTU disagrees

The Federal Government is trying to curb lawful industrial action and reduce the likelihood that bargaining will result in collective deals in a bill it introduced into federal Parliament late last year, according to the ACTU.

ANZ makes "take it or leave it" offer

The ANZ bank has offered annual pay rises of between 3.75% to 5.25% over two years if employees accept a new enterprise agreement, while threatening to pay a single annual increase of between 3% to 4.5% if it is rejected.

FWC probes link between enterprise bargaining and productivity

Almost half of federally registered enterprise agreements contain general commitments to improve productivity and a high proportion identify specific productivity measures, but their effectiveness is difficult to measure, according to a new FWC report.

FWC gives green light to Esso ballots

The Fair Work Commission has given the go-ahead for protected action ballots at Esso Australia's Victorian gas operations after unions dropped a claim to limit the use of contractors.