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FWC full bench makes important ruling on FIFO employment

In a crucial ruling for the Ichthys LNG project, an FWC full bench has ruled today that an electrical contracting company is entitled to give its fly-in, fly-out employees notice of retrenchment immediately before a rest and recreation period.

Labor pledges to resolve public sector bargaining "mess"

The Opposition has hinted that a Shorten Labor Government would axe the Coalition Government's public sector bargaining policy and the 2% wage cap, while 30,000 Victorian public sector employees are set to receive a backdated pay rise after voting up a new agreement.

Patrick issues new lockout warning to MUA

Stevedore Patrick says it will put its "final offer" direct to workers at its four container terminals, while warning that an employee lockout is possible if the bargaining deadlock continues.

Tribunal clarifies pay question for offshore workers

A labour supplier must pay the crew it provided for an offshore vessel for a full duty-day on their “swing-off” day as their replacement by another employer's seafarers did not amount to a second crew under their agreement, the FWC has found.

Union uses GFB laws to stay sacking of delegate

In what is believed to be a first, the AMWU has secured the interim reinstatement of a shop steward because his sacking arguably breached good faith bargaining obligations.

Employer entitled to stop paying weekend road tolls

An employer’s decision to change e-tag and toll usage policies for private usage of company cars, taken after an internal review revealed excessive spending on weekends and public holidays, has been upheld by the FWC.

MUA denies Brisbane strikes connected to Port Botany

The MUA says Patrick's Brisbane container terminal workforce will strike next week over different rostering issues to those at the stevedore's Port Botany terminal, but the company says the matters are not part of Brisbane's local negotiations.

13% over four years VPS deal goes to ballot

More than 30,000 postal ballots have been sent to Victorian public sector employees as voting gets underway on an enterprise deal that delivers a 13% pay increase over four years and provides 20 days family violence leave.