Agreements and bargaining page 147 of 177

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Bench rules agreement should cover union bargaining agent

An employer's bid to lock the CFMEU out of its agreement's coverage due to an "oversight" has led to a full bench overturning previous authorities that would have generated an "irrational" result.

Power workers going out, as termination bid looms

Workers at the NSW Government-owned electricity distributor Essential Energy will walk off the job for 24 hours tomorrow, ahead of the employer seeking next month to terminate its enterprise agreement.

Catholic employers and union re-commit to FWC's New Approaches program

The Queensland Catholic Education Commission and the IEU have agreed to continue negotiations for teaching and support staff agreements via the FWC's New Approaches interest-based dispute resolution process, after the employers last month withdrew from the process on the basis that it was "another delaying tactic".

New Federal Circuit Court appointments; & more

IR barristers appointed to Federal Circuit Court; FWC member retires after almost 15 years; Wage rises lower in industries hit by resources downturn, says RBA; New FAAA leadership seeking to secure role in new Qantas aircraft; Agreement delivers wage justice for nurses, says Victorian Government; and Supermarket self-service hindering employment growth, says report.

Employer's bargaining notice error sinks agreement

An employer has had its agreement rejected after failing to convince the Fair Work Commission that it made a "trifling" error in its bargaining rights notice when it mistakenly listed the tribunal's website as a source of information rather than the FWO.

FWC cures Teys underpayment mistake, orders backpay

The FWC has ordered abattoir operator Teys Australia to backpay thousands of dollars to meatworkers for incentive scheme underpayments during a long period of "confusion" and "uncertainty" about the operation of its enterprise agreement and an associated incentive payment system.

Defence workers vote down agreement for second time

Department of Defence civilian employees have again rejected a proposed enterprise agreement, with almost 55% voting down an offer that included a 6% pay rise over three years.

Fairfax strikers might cop individual fines; and more

Fairfax journalists might face individual fines after Ombudsman probe; FSU seeks better communications strategy; FSU preparing logs of claim for NAB and major industry super fund; and CFMEU penalties just a cost of doing business, says building cop.