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"Future coverage" clause unlawful: Bench

An FWC full bench has quashed a deal after accepting CFMMEU submissions that it would have allowed workers to be covered by future agreements ahead of its nominal expiry date, but has stopped short of finding that the tribunal should have heard from the union at first instance.

NTEU planning bans, stopworks after deal voted down

Victoria University is trying to head off an NTEU bid for a protected action ballot order, after professional and academic staff voted down by 77% a deal labelled "one of the worst proposals" tabled in the latest tertiary education bargaining round.

Big earnings cut looms if deal axed

Wages at Alcoa's Western Australian operations could fall by 60% if the company succeeds in terminating its enterprise agreement and no new deal is reached within six months, the Fair Work Commission has heard.

No reasonable basis for rejecting flexibility request: FWC

Victoria Police has failed to establish reasonable business grounds for refusing a long-serving detective's flexible work request for an additional two rest days per fortnight as he transitioned to retirement.

Employer fined for breaching "important" job security clause

The ETU says a $40,000 penalty against an employer for failing to consult before engaging labour hire workers on inferior pay and conditions sends a message that pre-Building Code job security clauses in agreements are still enforceable.

Aldi deal challenges divide bench

An FWC full bench majority has refused to let the SDA amend appeals of two Aldi agreements to challenge the retailer's use of the word "leader" instead of "employer" in notices of representative rights, holding that the union must wait until the outcome of a judicial review on the same issue.

Union entitled to pick apart university "change proposal": Bench

An FWC full bench has thrown out a university's attempt to sideline the NTEU over potential redundancies, rejecting as "artificial" its distinction between representing staff in face-to-face meetings and challenging aspects of the proposal once it was circulated.

Referees brandish strike card

National Rugby League referees are pushing ahead with a protected action ballot in pursuit of a ground-breaking enterprise agreement and greater job security than offered under their current 12-month contracts.

Alcoa strikers spurn offer as termination bid looms

Alcoa says it would welcome an "alternative proposal" from the AWU after striking workers resoundingly rejected its latest offer, but it will not withdraw a bid to terminate the current deal.