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Union barking up wrong tree over Guide Dog coverage, says FWC

The Independent Education Union has failed to establish that its rules extend coverage to mobility instructors at Guide Dogs NSW/ACT, despite the ASU reportedly conceding the teachers' union had a better chance of negotiating an agreement for the group.

Merivale's 2007 deal an "undeserved" advantage: Union

As United Voice seeks to quash a 2007 "zombie" agreement at Justin Hemmes' Merivale hospitality company on the basis that workers would be better off under the award, the FWO says it found no "non-compliance issues" when it audited the company in May.

Beware Skene undertakings, Ai Group tells employers

The Australian Industry Group is warning employers not to rush in to making agreement undertakings incorporating a recent key decision on casual leave until the Federal Court determines a challenge to the ruling's ambit.

Transgender leave included in new Westpac deal

Westpac employees undergoing gender transition will receive up to four weeks' paid leave as part of the bank's ground-breaking new three-year enterprise agreement.

Godfreys employees sucking up inferior pay: FWC

The FWC has agreed to terminate an agreement covering workers at Godfreys appliance stores after hearing evidence that some pay rates had not increased since 2011.

Terminates here: Rail union pursuing alleged unpaid training

The RTBU is targeting a labour hire company's training school and its top executives with a backpayment claim for unremunerated "on-the-job" learning, potentially covering hundreds of past and present participants that the union characterises as "employees".