Agreements and bargaining page 101 of 177

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Award reviews axed, agreement wrinkles ironed out

The FWC will no longer be required to conduct four-yearly reviews of modern awards, while being given powers to approve enterprise agreements despite minor procedural or technical errors, under long-delayed legislation passed by the Federal Parliament last night.

Esso, AWU slog on towards new deal as termination threat hovers

Esso Australia and the AWU have resumed protracted negotiations over a new enterprise agreement covering offshore oil and gas workers in Bass Strait ahead of a February 4 hearing of the company's s225 application to terminate the existing deal.

Unfair procedure no automatic ticket to overturn rulings: Bench

An FWC full bench has upheld a decision that rejected a multinational drilling company's deal without first inviting it to respond to every concern, confirming that a denial of procedural fairness would not have guaranteed a new hearing anyway.

"Dismissive" employer response to FWC sabotages deal

A Christian aged care home's "dismissive" and "disingenuous" response to FWC queries has scuttled an agreement's approval, the Commission finding the employer failed to adequately explain the deal to its predominantly non-English speaking workforce.

Union barking up wrong tree over Guide Dog coverage, says FWC

The Independent Education Union has failed to establish that its rules extend coverage to mobility instructors at Guide Dogs NSW/ACT, despite the ASU reportedly conceding the teachers' union had a better chance of negotiating an agreement for the group.