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Bench splits on annual leave review; RCAV seeks court ruling on $266m impost

A Fair Work Commission full bench has rejected – by a two to one majority – a raft of claims to vary annual leave provisions in modern awards as part of the two-year transitional review, finding that many of them would more appropriately be dealt with in the broader review next year.

Appeal bench majority upholds dismissal of prison officers

In a split decision, a NSW IRC full bench has upheld an appeal against orders preventing the dismissal of three corrections officers, after finding that Deputy President Rod Harrison had incorrectly based his decision on whether the officers were guilty of serious misconduct.

Public servant fights for her right to Tweet

The Federal Circuit Court has ruled that there is no unfettered right to freedom of political expression in dismissing a federal public servant's application for a declaration that any finding that she had breached the APS code of conduct for tweeting her opinions would breach her implied constitutional rights.

BCA calls for direct engagement, PC inquiry

The BCA has called for an IR framework that provides for direct engagement between employers and employees, and a Productivity Commission inquiry into Australia's IR system.

BHPB says Fair Work Act changes could stifle managerial prerogative

BHP Billiton has warned the federal government that it would be making "an unreasonable and unnecessary incursion" into business decisions if it proceeds with its proposal to extend the right to request flexible working arrangements, while new requirements to consult over roster changes would hamper the "agility" required by employers to respond to changes in operational needs or customer demands.