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Court acknowledges strike was to support injured worker, as CFMEU fines mount

The Federal Court has added another $61,000 to the CFMEU's $250,000 bill for unprotected industrial action on the Brookfield Multiplex Perth hospital project last year, but in doing so has taken into account that the strike was in support of an injured worker and not for just a "self-interested purpose".

Teacher wins reinstatement appeal

In a ruling that highlights the need for tribunal members to fully explore reinstatement options for unfairly dismissed employees, the Fair Work Commission has upheld an appeal by a Catholic teacher against a decision not to give him his job back.

Federal Court rejects bid to overturn delegate's reinstatement

The Federal Court has dismissed a stevedoring company's challenge to the interim reinstatement of a MUA delegate, despite acknowledging the company's belief that the orders undermined its authority to manage workplace bullying and harassment.

CBA tells High Court to ignore House of Lords "trust and confidence" ruling

In one of the most significant employment law cases in the last hundred years, a former Commonwealth Bank executive asked the High Court on Monday to balance the "ledger" by recognising the existence of an implied term of trust and confidence in all Australian employment contracts, while the bank warned it against adopting English law.

Prison officer involved in custody death wins court appeal

A senior prison officer's long-running bid to keep his job remains alive after he successfully challenged a ruling by a NSW IRC full bench that upheld threats to dismiss him for failing to follow correct procedures in an incident that led to the death of a prisoner.

FWC rejects bid to modernise enterprise award

The Fair Work Commission has rejected another employer application to create a modern enterprise award rather than be bound by a sector-wide modern award.

MUA's defamation of ship's master costs it $90,000

In a case demonstrating the risks for unions and others in linking to newspaper articles on their websites, a ship's master has won $90,000 in damages from the MUA after a court found that it defamed him when it said he had placed his crew in danger.

Full bench reverses public holiday ruling

The SDA has successfully appealed against fast food and hair & beauty industry employers having greater flexibility in compensating employees for working on public holidays.