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Mother resuming work to get full pay, after FWC ruling

Australia's largest rail freight operator, Aurizon, has been ordered to provide the full pro-rata rate of pay to a train driver who was to receive a reduced amount under a compassionate grounds/short-term medical disability clause when she returned part-time from maternity leave.

Union denied procedural fairness: Full bench

Determining a matter "on the papers" when a union had asked for a hearing denied it procedural fairness, a Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled.

LinkedOff: OHS manager sacked over abusive emails

The Fair Work Commission has refused to reverse the dismissal of an OHS manager who used his employment-related LinkedIn account to send abusive personal emails, directed "expletive rich" language at his manager and declined to participate in a performance plan.

Bench spikes challenge from sacked Qantas pilot

A FWC full bench has rejected a sacked Qantas pilot's argument that spiking of his drink meant he couldn't be held responsible for s-xually assaulting a female flight crew member during a stopover in Chile.

Bench upholds majority support order for senior employees

A Fair Work Commission full bench has rejected Alcoa Australia's appeal against a majority support determination the CFMEU secured last year for high level operators who had traditionally been on common law contracts.

High bar to challenging witness evidence: Full court

A full Federal Court has rejected a paramedic's attempt to overturn a finding that he was dismissed because of his aggressive behaviour towards management rather than because he exercised his workplace rights to complain about his job.

Employer can't make health assessments compulsory: FWC

The Fair Work Commission has ruled that it is unreasonable for an employer to direct workers to attend a compulsory health assessment designed to address high injury levels without first establishing genuine need.