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Full court provides guidance on assistance to unrepresented parties

In a decision that canvasses how much assistance the FWC should provide to unrepresented parties, a full Federal Court has found an employer was not denied procedural fairness when the FWC dismissed an appeal notice that was more "diatribe" than pleading and didn't tell the employer to fix it.

Law firm tried to block partner's general protections claim

A top-tier law firm sought to block the Fair Work Commission from hearing a general protections involving a dismissal application from a former partner, arguing that his partnership was terminated rather than his employment.

Prison officer who assaulted inmates wins job back

The NSW IRC has ordered the reinstatement from today of a decorated senior prison officer it dismissed for assaulting three inmates while suffering from a mental illness, but he will be denied backpay due to his misconduct.

Court considers privilege issues in CFA discovery ruling

Victoria's volunteer firefighters have won further discovery of documents from the Country Fire Authority, in a case that considered whether dispute proceedings in the Fair Work Commission are covered by "without prejudice" privilege.

CFO's restraint clause too broad: Court

Restraint of trade clauses preventing a chief financial officer from jumping ship and working at a rival fashion retailer were broader than what was reasonable to protect the employer's legitimate interests, a court has found.

DIBP seeks to head off workplace determination by FWC

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection will put a new offer to its employees in the wake of the Fair Work Commission's decision to terminate industrial action at airports across the country and move towards arbitration of a new agreement.