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Code bites as more builders face Commonwealth project bans

The ABCC has revealed that another three builders face temporary bans on being allowed to bid for Commonwealth-funded construction projects as the Turnbull Government takes a tougher stance on breaches of the new national construction code.

"Informal" performance management process endorsed in sacking case

Employers needn't comply with rigid performance management processes when dismissing poorly-performing employees, as long as they can point to conscious and concerted efforts to address the worker's perceived shortcomings, the FWC has found.

Million-dollar Hardie damages award raises stakes for asbestos victims

Former asbestos producer James Hardie has been ordered to pay exemplary damages for the first time in Australia, a South Australian District Court ruling the company was driven by a "thirst for profit" when it continued to sell asbestos products despite knowing they could kill.

HR bosses engage lawyers in academic bullying case

A university and its HR department embroiled in accusations of bullying between law school academics have been granted the right to engage lawyers to defend the claims.