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FWC upholds sacking for uranium mine safety breach

The FWC has accepted that BHP Billiton's sacking of a worker who raised his safety visor to get a better look at an exploding smelter at a uranium mine was justified but harsh, stopping short of reinstatement, though, because of the company's "rational" loss of trust and confidence in him.

Another shot for worker who disobeyed armed hold-up protocol

An FWC full bench has quashed a ruling that upheld Woolworths' sacking of a petrol station employee for failing to follow its armed hold-up protocol when he refused to hand over money and cigarettes to an unarmed but "difficult" customer.

FWC approves "super-union" ballot

MUA and TCFU members will vote on their unions' merger with the CFMEU in a ballot that will close in late November, after a ruling by the FWC today.

Bench referral would cause "unnecessary delay" to teachers' deal: FWC

Catholic school employers have failed to convince the FWC to refer to a full bench its challenge to the right of NSW and ACT teachers to take protected action on the basis their dioceses are not "single interest employers" as required by the Fair Work Act.

Prime Minister's department accused of demoting cancer survivor

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet has agreed to enter into mediation with an employee who accuses it of taking adverse action by suspending and demoting her and directing her to take indefinite leave following a long absence for cancer treatment and surgery.

Agreement remains non-compliant after FWC ruling

Major construction company Laing O'Rourke has failed to convince the FWC that a current agreement clause could effectively render its NSW and ACT deals compliant with the building code, but the tribunal has recommended that the CFMEU and employees take all necessary steps to achieve compliance.