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Accident pay ruling upheld after pilot's crash

The Federal Court, in re-determining part of a decision awarding $150,000 in underpayments to an ex-employee, has held that she is entitled to a year's accident make-up pay as it kept accruing after her employment ended, but says her superannuation accrual ended with her job.

ROC pursuing AWU, Melhem over "inflated" membership numbers

The Registered Organisations Commission has initiated a prosecution of the AWU's Victorian branch and its former secretary, Cesar Melhem, for allegedly failing to remove 2,000 unfinancial members from the books over a five-year period through to 2013.

Big fines for employer that withheld parental leave payments

The Federal Court has ordered a company and its director to pay substantial fines for failing to pass on more than $11,000 in parental leave payments to a cook and then concealing their actions after the FWO began asking questions.

Hairdresser's Facebook sacking a bad cut, says FWC

The FWC has found that a hairdresser who both quit and was told she was fired during a bizarre late-night Facebook Messenger exchange was in fact unfairly dismissed, with the FWC observing there was no reason for it beyond the salon owner's "conspiracy theory".

Greens seek Fair Work Act protection for gig workers

Legislation introduced to Parliament today by the Greens would empower the FWC to make "minimum entitlements orders" to bring gig and other "non-standard" workers under the protection of the Fair Work Act.

Court green-lights sham contracting class action

A class action alleging sham contracting against a major marketing agency will proceed after a court dismissed arguments that it was impossible to rule on the employment status of more than 1000 claimants without examining their individual circumstances.

FWC issues production orders over unions' territorial tussle

The FWC has found it reasonably arguable that the NUW is involved in a coordinated approach to involve itself in bargaining at Linfox despite being ineligible to represent its tanker drivers, issuing production orders regarding a non-Linfox NUW delegate who seeks to be a bargaining representative.

"Blackmail" an afterthought, Boral executives admitted

Key witnesses in this week's collapsed criminal case against two Victorian CFMEU leaders told the Melbourne Magistrates Court that nobody mentioned the word "blackmail" to them until more than a year after a crucial meeting in April 2013.

"My boss is bigger than yours" alleged entry breach: ABCC

Having only recently been given the all-clear over a heavily-scrutinised $75,000 payment while at the CEPU, former Unions Tasmania secretary and political aspirant Kevin Harkins will face a Federal Court judge next month as the ABCC pursues him over "abusive" entry breaches.