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Minimum wage ruling tomorrow

The Fair Work Commission will hand down the 2018 minimum wage review decision at 11am tomorrow, after the ACTU pushed for a substantial rise as a step towards its goal to lift the safety net to 60% of median earnings.

Watchdog seeks record fine to punish MUA

The FWO is seeking to fine the CFMMEU's MUA division more than $3.5 million for unlawful industrial action against Hutchison Ports, using a novel argument that historic contraventions of the same Fair Work Act provision denies the union the benefit of the legislation's single course of conduct mechanism.

Tribunal ejects case arising from "extraordinary and bizarre scenario"

The FWC has tossed out for want of jurisdiction an "unprecedented" pay dispute lodged by sacked FAAA national division secretary Andrew Staniforth against Qantas to correct overpayments, with a senior deputy president stating he has never encountered a "stranger industrial proposition".

FWC comes to emotional rescue of CFMMEU leader

The FWC has renewed the entry permit of CFMMEU construction and general division WA branch president and organiser Vinnie Molina, on the condition that he undertake "emotional management" training to prevent a recurrence of infractions for which he has been fined almost $17,000 since 2012.

McBurney "clarifies" when ABCC became aware of entry misinformation

The construction watchdog has written to a parliamentary committee to "clarify" the time at which senior managers became aware the agency had incorrect advice on its website, an issue that led to the resignation of former ABCC chief, Nigel Hadgkiss.

Efforts to improve "diligent" employee's performance not bullying: FWC

A one-time star employee's anti-bullying application has been rejected despite acknowledgment of his "devastation" at being placed on successive performance improvement plans he believed resulted from unfair interpretations of his position description.

Superannuation laggards offered amnesty

The Turnbull Government has introduced legislation granting employers a one-off, 12-month amnesty for historical underpayment of the superannuation guarantee.

Accident pay ruling upheld after pilot's crash

The Federal Court, in re-determining part of a decision awarding $150,000 in underpayments to an ex-employee, has held that she is entitled to a year's accident make-up pay as it kept accruing after her employment ended, but says her superannuation accrual ended with her job.