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CFMMEU's "concerned citizens" needed entry permits: ABCC

The ABCC is pursuing the CFMMEU and eight organisers for repeatedly refusing to show entry permits at a major Queensland road project on the basis they were responding to safety issues as "concerned citizens, not as union officials".

Union court action challenging docking of workers' pay

A Federal Circuit Court stoush over whether a company lawfully docked the pay of workers for attending a union meeting about on-site asbestos could hinge on whether they faced an "imminent threat" and whether the supervisor who granted permission was authorised.

Unions pursue national IR manager over alleged underpayments

Three unions have won court approval to argue that the IR manager of a major service provider should be held accessorially liable for alleged underpayment of workers at Esso's onshore and offshore Bass Strait sites.

Employer entitled to stop paying remote allowance: FWC

An employer did not need to continue paying a remote area allowance to detention centre workers transferred to Darwin, despite a management email asserting their entitlements would not be "diminished", the FWC has found

Employer asks court to clarify "future deals" clause

A major civil construction company has launched a Federal Court challenge to the rejection by an FWC full bench of an agreement that it found would allow workers to be covered by future deals ahead of its nominal expiry date.

Labour hire company sacked worker rejected by host: Bench

Labour hire company Spinifex Recruiting has again come under fire for its reliance on a "misnamed" temporary employment agreement, with an FWC full bench rejecting its argument that it did not dismiss a casual worker because its client merely exercised its discretion to terminate her assignment.

Demotion amounted to dismissal: FWC

The FWC has held that a supervisor's demotion to a job "on the tools" with a 9% pay cut was in fact a dismissal, rejecting employer submissions that it was allowed under his contract or via a "notorious" unwritten term.

Hearings set for not so "straightforward" bid to quash Woolies' deal

The FWC will set a week of hearings at the end of February to hear a RAFFWU bid to quash Woolworths' nominally-expired 2012 deal before a newly voted-up replacement is approved, with the retailer and the SDA saying they need time to consult the rest of the workforce.