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Government moves to contain casual leave ruling

The Coalition government intends to use a new Fair Work regulation to shield employers from "double dipping" where long-term casual employees are deemed to be eligible for leave entitlements.

Westpac manager's technology workaround breached security code

Westpac was entitled to dismiss a premium client manager for putting customer service ahead of protecting their personal information when he loaned his allegedly troublesome work phone to a visiting relative and used his private Gmail account as a workaround for the bank's "slow" internal email system, the FWC has found.

"Support person does more than offer tissues": FWC

The FWC has ordered an employment agency to pay 26 weeks' wages in compensation to a job placement officer it sacked for failing to declare convictions for Centrelink fraud, the tribunal criticising an HR manager's handling of the process while pouring water on claims that a clean record was an "inherent requirement" of her job.

Court again makes the "sting" personal for CFMMEU's Myles

CFMMEU official Joe Myles has been hit with his second personal payment order in four months, the Federal Court today fining him $44,000 for a series of threats and actions over an unfavoured subcontractor working on a level crossing site in 2013 and 2014.

HR manager's "overreach" undermines sacking

An HR manager's "unnecessary allegations" and "overreach" have contributed to a finding that although a drug and alcohol tester's failure to declare he was taking Nurofen Plus provided a valid reason for dismissal, his sacking was unfair.

Response "difficult to comprehend" given employer's HR expertise: FWC

The FWC on a rehearing has taken a different view of a beach inspector's claims that a supervisor authorised him to modify council cars, but found deficiencies with his employer's response that were "difficult to comprehend" given its HR expertise.

"Change the Act to prevent more casualisation": Coalition report

The Fair Work Act should be changed to prohibit full-time, direct employees being replaced by "permanent casuals", according to a Coalition-dominated Federal parliamentary inquiry chaired by former Nationals' leader and ex-Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce.

Obese worker cleared to contest dismissal after work falls

A morbidly obese office worker sacked after her third fall at work will have another chance to challenge it, the Federal Circuit Court finding earlier discontinued applications in the FWC and the Human Rights Commission to be no barrier.