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Spotless slugged $60,000 for paying unwitting union members' fees

ASX-listed Spotless Group Limited has been ordered to pay 14 former employees a total of $60,000 for breaching their privacy rights when disclosing their names to a union and paying their membership fees without authorisation.

Falsified bank statements lead to costs award, further scrutiny

An IT consultant who falsified bank statements to disprove allegations she was working for private clients on company time has been ordered to pay a portion of her employer's legal costs, while the FWC considers whether she committed an offence under the Fair Work Act.

Error in written decision no indication of bias: FWC

An FWC member has rebuffed an employer's claim that he should recuse himself from hearing an unfair dismissal case on the basis of an ultimately admitted error he made in writing up a jurisdictional decision.

Full Federal Court ruling clarifies super obligations

Employers with workers on annualised salaries have only to pay superannuation on standard hours at ordinary rates of pay, a full Federal Court led by Chief Justice James Allsop has ruled.

News Flash: Award wages up by 3% from July 1

The Fair Work Commission has granted award-reliant workers a 3% increase, lifting the national minimum wage by $21.60 a week or 57 cents an hour in this year's annual wage review ruling.

FWO targets toy store to test serious breach provisions

The FWO has launched a test case against the operator of a pop-up toy store, seeking to reverse the onus of proof for underpayments and rely for the first time on serious contraventions provisions that potentially expose the company and its director to 10 times the ordinary maximum penalties.

"Discipline" underperforming agents: Chief commissioner

The head of Western Australia's Industrial Relations Commission has vented her frustration at the efforts of an unfair dismissal advocate by expressing a desire for legislative changes that would empower the tribunal to "discipline" underperforming agents.