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"Gay-branded" worker gains access to comparator's texts

A vehicle technician who claims he was subjected to discrimination when called "gay" and a "wog" in the workplace has won access to text messages sent to a proposed comparator to help him build his case.

UK ruling casts secret recordings in new light

In the age of ubiquitous mobile phones, covert recordings of meetings by employees don't necessarily irreversibly damage trust and confidence in the employment relationship, a UK IR tribunal has ruled.

Company can't choose union bargaining representatives: FWC

In the midst of rolling stoppages across DP World's container terminals in four cities, the FWC has told the company to comply with its good faith bargaining obligations by dropping its objection to the participation of an injured MUA WA branch delegate in negotiations for the Fremantle deal.

Judge's "hostility" towards employer cruels landmark FWO case

A landmark contempt finding and accompanying jail sentence hailed as proof of the FWO's commitment to justice has been overturned by a full Federal Court that found the ruling judge's "open" hostility to the underpaying employer compromised his ability to consider the evidence.

All half-pay maternity leave doesn't count towards service: Court

The AFP did not discriminate against a police officer seeking to have 32 weeks of half-pay maternity leave count towards her service, the Federal Court finding the relevant agreement's intention was only to cover full-pay periods.

Cross-claim hits "clearly dishonest" chief executive

The long-serving former chief executive of a Queensland charity is more than $30,000 out of pocket after securing a minor win as part of his wrongful termination case but being labelled "dishonest" in his employer's successful cross-claim.

Week-long rolling stoppages hit the docks

About 1800 waterfront workers have today begun a campaign of rolling strikes at DP World container terminals across Australia this week, after the MUA and stevedore failed to reach agreement on a new enterprise deal.

Hurt and humiliation payout after "most unkind" accusation

An employee criticised as being ungrateful about securing a restaurant job despite her disability has won $12,500 in compensation for the hurt and humiliation she experienced during her dismissal after 12 weeks.

FWO secures fivefold increase in director's fine

In a decision vindicating the FWO's resistance to the grouping of multiple contraventions for the purpose of setting penalties, the workplace watchdog has won a fivefold increase in fines imposed on an underpaying company director.

Porter readying pitch to crossbench on "integrity" bill

The Morrison Government is looking to win crossbench support in the Senate for its crackdown on unions and officials who repeatedly break the law by stressing that it is aligning their treatment with that applying to wayward companies and directors under the Corporations Act 2001.