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NRMA sues union over logo use

In a novel claim accusing the CFMMEU's maritime division of breaching intellectual property and consumer laws during negotiations for Manly Fast Ferry workers, the NRMA is suing the union for significant damages allegedly caused by using its logo in campaign material.

Teacher's "factual" poison anecdote no basis for sacking: FWC

A TAFE must reinstate a teacher it sacked after he named a prominent local farmer in a lecture about the effects of chemical sprays, the FWC finding that relating a "factual" 20-year-old anecdote did not amount to misconduct.

Unions on same footing as lawyers, agents: FWC

Qantas has failed to establish that unions should be treated as different "species" when considering extensions of time due to representative error, following a recent FWC full bench finding that there is "there is nothing usual or normal about negligence on the part of a solicitor".

MUA to challenge "unprotected bans" ruling

Stevedore DP World has opened up a new strategy for employers seeking to sideline industrial action, winning a ruling from the FWC that MUA bans on shift extensions were not protected because the employer never asked employees to work beyond their hours within 30 days.

Court to hear s-x-shop "overseer" underpaid

A s-x-shop sales worker and "booth" monitor is suing his employer for more than $30,000 in alleged underpayments he claims to be owed under the general retail award, while also suggesting that it wrongly classified him as a casual employee.

Secret audio rejected in bullying case

An employee found to have made some "false" allegations has been denied the chance to use secret recordings of a meeting as evidence in a bullying case that is to be heard today by the FWC.

BHP rail deal sent down spur by former HR leader

BHP's hopes for quick approval of a new deal covering its Central Queensland coal train drivers have been derailed by a newly-appointed FWC member who was previously its head of HR.

Deliveroo worker pursuing sham contract case

A Deliveroo rider has launched a sham contracting test case, claiming the company should have paid him almost twice as much, as a casual employee rather than per delivery as an independent contractor, given a "batching system" that weighted individual performance factors.

Union fails in costs claim against "busybody" employee

The NSW IRC has decried an HSU state branch's "adversarial" approach in refusing to award costs against an industrial officer who sought a review of a regulator's decision scrapping improvement notices that claimed union employees might be exposed to "psychological hazards".