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"Punitive" costs bid bites Freelancer

A digital employment platform's "ambit" claim for costs against an HR manager has backfired, landing itself a costs bill after a court found it unreasonably pursued it to punish him for his unsuccessful adverse action claim.

Complainant rails against bid to stop "excessive communications"

A doctor has failed to establish in an interlocutory claim that a federal agency was motivated by "ill intent" in dealing with her critical social media posts or complaints about its handling of her mental health condition.

MBA warns against "non-code-compliant" pattern construction deal

The NSW MBA has warned its members against bargaining with the CFMMEU construction and general division's State branch on a proposed enterprise agreement that is says is not compliant with the national construction code.

Union to appeal dismissal over Hitler parody video

The AWU will argue that a senior FWC member failed to factor in the "true nature and effect" of a BP technician's Hitler parody video in its appeal against her decision upholding his sacking.

Builder penalised for spurning non-union contractor

A construction company's refusal to to engage a non-union subcontractor at the CFMMEU's behest has now cost it $275,000 in penalties and compensation, with the Federal Circuit Court noting such conduct "has the potential to perpetuate a culture of submission".

Rugby Australia warns of implications of a Folau win

Refuting claims that it terminated rugby union player Israel Folau's contract because of his religious beliefs, Rugby Australia has warned of broad ramifications if he establishes that there is a common law principle prohibiting contracts that restrict people from sharing their religious views.