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Industrial manslaughter firmly on agenda as Victoria prepares laws

Victoria's Andrews Labor Government is preparing to introduce industrial manslaughter legislation into State Parliament by the end of the year, while Federal IR Minister Christian Porter says further investigation is needed before such an offence is incorporated in the model WHS Act.

Suggestive poster discriminated against female worker: Tribunal

A tribunal has held that Sydney Water sexually harassed and discriminated against an employee when her photo was displayed on a workplace health and safety poster, for which she unwittingly posed, beneath the slogan "Feel great - lubricate!".

Twist on "cash back" scam alleged by FWO

The FWO is prosecuting the operators of a Sydney restaurant for allegedly underpaying a skilled worker on a SubClass 457 visa by more than $150,000 while they maintained "overall control" of his bank account.

Rockpool responds to "underpaid" chef's claims

Rockpool has hit back at a chef's claims that he was underpaid and expected to work extreme hours while on an annualised salary arrangement, maintaining that it is up to him to produce accurate records and establish any sum allegedly owed.

Undertakings might get MMS deal over line: FWC

In the latest stage of a long battle by power and mining unions against the approval of a "small cohort" non-union agreement for maintenance employees, the FWC has given Mechanical Maintenance Solutions Pty Ltd a chance to provide an undertaking to overcome its failure to ensure the deal was genuinely agreed.

Tribunal rebuffs worker's plea to plug FEG 'empathy gap'

The AAT has rebuffed a claim of unfair treatment under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee from a worker who claimed she missed out on a redundancy payment because of her loyalty and empathy in staying-on with a failed company as its employee numbers dropped below the small business threshold.

"Punitive" costs bid bites Freelancer

A digital employment platform's "ambit" claim for costs against an HR manager has backfired, landing itself a costs bill after a court found it unreasonably pursued it to punish him for his unsuccessful adverse action claim.

Complainant rails against bid to stop "excessive communications"

A doctor has failed to establish in an interlocutory claim that a federal agency was motivated by "ill intent" in dealing with her critical social media posts or complaints about its handling of her mental health condition.

MBA warns against "non-code-compliant" pattern construction deal

The NSW MBA has warned its members against bargaining with the CFMMEU construction and general division's State branch on a proposed enterprise agreement that is says is not compliant with the national construction code.