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CFMMEU conducts "sting" of its own as director fined $43,000

The CFMMEU has taken a leaf from the ABCC's playbook by invoking the High Court's 'personal payments order' decision in arguing penalties levied against an underpaying, bankrupt former director of a liquidated company should discourage such practices from being considered as "simply the cost of doing business".

MS/Parkinson's sufferer claims discriminatory sacking

Professionals Australia has filed a $380,000 discrimination and adverse action claim against one of the nation's largest defence contractors, alleging it unlawfully sacked a manager after nearly 20 years' service because he suffers from multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

Court orders $2.7m payout to sacked chief executive

An employer must pay $2.7 million in damages and interest to a former chief executive it sacked for alleged insider trading, after a court found claims that he offloaded company shares to take advantage of sensitive information before it became public "did not make sense".

NZ might permit bargaining fees

New Zealand will consider enabling unions and employers to charge a bargaining fee for non-members under a new system of fair pay agreements that would mandate minimum rates and conditions across low-paid industries.

Tribunal scolds BHP for procedural fairness defects

The FWC has admonished a BHP subsidiary for taking a "haphazard" approach to its disciplinary guidelines, finding it had a valid reason to sack a mineworker for her "deviant" conduct when she put a s-x toy in a colleague's carry-on baggage, but procedural failings made it unfair.

Explanation for racially-motivated sacking "fabricated": FWC

The FWC has rejected the "post fabricated" inventions of a supermarket owner found to have sacked a casual shop assistant because he preferred workers from Asian-speaking backgrounds, ordering full compensation despite claims it would destroy his business.

Employer's underpayment hit doubled for missing paperwork

In a decision reinforcing the need for employers to maintain timesheets, a court has more than doubled the restitution a family-run business must make despite questions of credibility about the sponsored couple claiming underpayments.

"Vague" task list no basis for sacking over productivity: FWC

In a decision highlighting the perils of relying on nebulous performance measures to assess productivity, the FWC has ordered an IT company to compensate an employee dismissed after being assigned a "vague" To Do list.