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Bench rejects RTBU bid to prevent "corporate manoeuvring"

An FWC full bench has rejected TWU and RTBU appeals to a rule change decision allowing the latter union to continue representing members transferred to privatised bus services but which it claims will not insulate it from "corporate manoeuvring".

Mundey's legacy continues as new green ban imposed

The CFMMEU construction and general division's NSW branch has slapped a green ban on historic buildings in Parramatta that are set to be demolished under controversial plans to shift the Powerhouse Museum from inner-city Ultimo.

Order to complete COVID-19 survey a lawful direction

The FWC has upheld a recruitment company's dismissal of a consultant who refused, as the coronavirus pandemic escalated in early March, to complete a survey about his recent history of travel to destinations with moderate to high COVID-19 risks.

FWC weighing COVID-19 award change extensions as sunset looms

The FWC has told the ACTU and employers to confer on continuing COVID-19 measures in the clerical, fast food, retail, health industry and other awards ahead of a hearing tomorrow, while it is proposing to grant unopposed extensions to hospitality and vehicle awards.

Changing the question can't override estoppal: Court

A judge has re-emphasised the threshold for appealing matters before the FWC to a higher jurisdiction, expressing regret that a full bench's "well-intentioned" observations might have misled a worker into challenging his award classification.