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Law firm did not discriminate against Qantas manager: Court

A former Qantas cabin crew manager seeking millions in damages over alleged historic sexual discrimination and harassment has been refused leave to separately pursue Maurice Blackburn and a former principal over their roles in a settlement reached with the airline in 2008.

Timing OK, but consultation lacking over uni job cuts: FWC

In an instructive decision on when employers should communicate major job-cutting proposals to workers, the FWC has endorsed Deakin University's timing but told it to engage at an institution-wide level after finding its 15-area carve-up left "no opportunity" for meaningful consultation.

Union officials to pay fines despite ABCC's "hyperbolic" argument

The ABCC has enjoyed another mixed result in its campaign to bring the CFMMEU to heel, a Federal Court judge agreeing to impose personal payment orders against three officials involved in picketing a building site but rejecting argument that the union's past record should necessarily attract maximum penalties.

Failure to consult denied worker JobKeeper: FWC

An employer that made a worker redundant just days before the unveiling of JobKeeper must pay the remaining sum she would have gained as a recipient, after the FWC found a proper consultation process would have resulted in her getting it.

FWC urges employer to put worker back on JobKeeper

Despite lacking power to deal with a dispute over a casual worker's removal from JobKeeper for refusing an extra shift, the FWC has recommended his employer reinstate the payment or face a potential general protections claim.

Employer seeks anti-strike order after COVID-19 walkout

Spotless has applied for orders stopping alleged industrial action at a Melbourne industrial laundry where workers have raised safety concerns after two of them returned positive COVID-19 tests.