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Compensation for manager "restructured" out of job

An employer that restructured a senior manager out of his job and did not consider him for a new role because its director considered him an underperformer must pay him almost $18,000, the FWC finding it was not a genuine redundancy.

FWC rejects "presumptuous" employer's bid to knock out claim

The FWC has slammed a "presumptuous" employer for taking up its time with a baseless late bid to have the tribunal throw out the unfair dismissal claim of a casual boxing trainer seeking compensation at the JobKeeper rate.

JobKeeper 2.0 to rein in flexibility for robust employers

The Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy scales back on the Coalition push to give employers workplace flexibility even if they no longer receive the wage subsidy.

No adjournment for sacked worker juggling criminal appeal

The FWC has declined to adjourn an unfair dismissal case despite a former Victoria Police employee's concerns he is constrained after exercising his right to silence in a criminal case largely reliant on the same set of contested facts.

Academic fairly sacked after indulging in "game of semantics"

Upholding the dismissal of an academic who deliberately stymied all attempts to establish her fitness to return to work, the FWC has found she treated the process like a "game of semantics" through which she could wear her employer down.

Union given "blunt" feedback over flawed FWC case

A senior FWC member has taken aim at a union for exhuming a member's five-year-old allowance grievance, observing that it risked its reputation by unenthusiastically pursuing such a "stale" and "obviously flawed" case.

Court roasts watchdog over "unfair" media release

The Federal Court has criticised the FWO over an "unfair" media release about an employer that discriminated against a pregnant sales executive by blocking her return to work, finding negative publicity a mitigating factor when setting its penalty.

WFH impacts factored into proposed COVID-19 deal variation

The FWC is considering COVID-19 variations to Queensland University of Technology agreements that include a requirement to factor in the pandemic's effect on employees' working environment and personal lives when managing performance.

Court backs FWO's power to delve into past

In a significant decision on FWO investigative powers under recent laws stiffening protections for vulnerable workers, the Federal Court has rejected a franchisor's bid to have declared void a notice to produce documents created before the legislation came into force.