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Golden Parches: Takeaway fined for denying drink, toilet breaks

A court has today praised RAFFWU for its service of the national interest in pursuing a McDonald's franchisee and securing $82,000 in fines against if for sinister, cruel, coercive threats via Facebook posts to deny its predominantly young workforce drink and toilet breaks required under the fast food chain's agreement.

Wash-out for ABCC's unlawful strike case

The Federal Court has doused the construction watchdog's pursuit of one of the CFMMEU's national leaders for allegedly organising an illegal strike, finding construction workers were entitled to pass more than two showery days in a "smoko shed" under the award's inclement weather provisions.

Watchdog making limited use of new powers

The Fair Work Ombudsman has made scant use of new powers it won three years ago to conduct compulsory interviews and to prosecute franchisors to help to protect vulnerable workers.

Full court places limits on "industrial activity" in female toilet case

In a significant judgment closely examining the limits of "industrial activity", a full Federal Court led by Chief Justice James Allsop has overturned penalties imposed on two CFMMEU officials for leading a walk-out from a building site that had no separate toilet for a female worker.

High Court should find Lunt ruling brings justice into disrepute: VICT

Victoria International Container Terminal has asked the High Court to consider whether a full Federal Court brought the administration of justice into disrepute when it failed to find MUA organiser Richard Lunt a "front man" for the union's bid to quash the approval of the stevedore's enterprise agreement.

Full court ruling a win for IR class actions

A litigation funder that overturned orders to pay $3 million in security to run two casuals class actions says remaining roadblocks are increasing the price of IR group actions and rendering many unviable, while employers are calling for new anti-funding laws.