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Time to regulate paid IR agents?: FWC

A senior FWC member has questioned whether paid IR agents should be more closely regulated after expressing dismay that a firm had no processes to identify an incorrectly entered date that led to late filing of a worker's unfair dismissal claim.

Ticker troubles explain tardy application: FWC

The FWC has waved through a former company director's late unfair dismissal claim after accepting evidence that the deadline fell on the same day as her treatment for a heart condition allegedly exacerbated by her ex-husband "vengefully terminating" her employment.

Severe mental health issues mean no double-dipping: FWC

A worker who lodged a general protections claim after the FWC discontinued their unfair dismissal application has not offended the Fair Work Act's anti-double dipping provisions after the onset of a severe mental health condition left them unable to pursue their initial challenge, the tribunal has held.

Unvaccinated worker awarded $55K compensation

The FWC has rejected an employer's argument that commissions should not be included in calculating compensation for an account manager found to have been unfairly sacked after refusing to get a COVID-19 jab.

Representation ruling putting members into a spin

A FWC deputy president has taken aim at a full bench's quashing of one of his decisions, saying it appears members are "expected to essentially run around in a series of ever decreasing circles" when parties change their representation status.

Unpursued case ousted after "novel question" explored

A senior FWC member should have considered a worker's "genuine belief" that he lodged his general protections claim on time, even though he had in fact filed a blank unfair dismissal form, a full bench has held in tackling a novel question about when an application is made.

Wrong line: FWC roasts employer after cocaine sacking

The FWC has reinstated a Sydney Trains worker who used cocaine while on leave, after lambasting the employer for not making it clear that it tests for use rather than impairment and for failing to take on board earlier criticism of its drug and alcohol policy.

FWC research to identify gender-based undervaluation in 12 awards

The FWC has today launched the next stage of its gender pay equity research, in which it will examine a dozen awards covering highly-feminised sectors to uncover indicators of gender-based undervaluation of minimum rates, ahead of the 2023-24 annual wage review.