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Union to seek urgent dispute hearing after injunction bid

The Federal Court has today refused a rail union bid to stop the retrenchment and redeployment of employees of Melbourne public transport operator Metro Trains, after the company gave an undertaking it wouldn't proceed while the RTBU seeks an expedited dispute hearing in the FWC.

Tribunal backs sacking of "allergic" worker who refused flu vax

The FWC has upheld the sacking of an aged care receptionist who refused a flu vaccination on the basis of a previous allergic reaction, finding her employer "objectively prudent" in refusing to let her work despite her doctor's contraindication form.

Berejiklian backs Goward anti-harassment recommendations

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has promised to act on a report that found the protections for State ministerial staff against bullying and harassment are "unclear, ineffective and inadequate".

Ridd asserts his "overriding right" to criticise employer

An academic challenging his sacking for breaching his university's code of conduct when he denounced its climate change research will tell the High Court intellectual freedom provisions give him an overriding right to criticise his employer.

FWC upholds sacking of hugging teacher

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a 52-year-old Victorian secondary teacher who "crossed the line" when he hugged and touched boys, despite also finding his employer did not follow the disciplinary procedures set out in its enterprise agreement.

"Naïve" Facebook post insufficient reason for sacking: FWC

In a decision highlighting both the perils of "naïve" social media use and the incongruities of the JobKeeper program, the FWC has declined to award compensation to a teenage casual swim instructor unfairly sacked for recommending a rival business on a community Facebook page.

Trust loss after safety failure stymies reinstatement

An employer has convinced the FWC that a mineworker found to have been unfairly sacked over a safety failure should not be reinstated because it had lost trust and confidence in him.

Court halts "discriminatory" Qantas pilot retirement

A Qantas international captain, in a case with some echoes of the landmark Christie case, has won an interim injunction to restrain what he claims is a discriminatory decision to dismiss him because he has turned 65 and can't meet his job's inherent requirements.

Workpac redundancy not genuine: FWC

The FWC has found the redundancy of a FIFO labour hire coal mineworker affected by COVID-19 travel restrictions not genuine, holding that Workpac failed to meet its consult obligations after BHP said it no longer needed him.